
'So Long, Farewell' | The Sound of Music Live

The Von Trapp family children wish their party guests goodnight in their own special way. From The Sound of Music Live (2013): Grammy Award-winning music superstar Carrie Underwood stars in “The Sound of Music Live!” The three-hour telecast of the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical classic also features TV and stage star Stephen Moyer as well […]

FAUST [working title] chorus – Dutch National Opera

Goosebumps! Do yourself a favor and turn on your sound. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB Last weekend, the Chorus of Dutch National Opera and the Nieuw Amsterdams Kinderkoor opened the cultural season during the Uitmarkt. In the foyer in our theatre, under the musical direction of creator and conductor Manoj […]

We are open! – Dutch National Opera & Ballet

We are very happy to welcome you in our theatre again. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB. The dancers and singers can’t wait to perform on stage in front of a live audience. Visit our website to see the program of this season: http://bit.ly/Season20152016. Are you in love with BALLET? Check […]

Waarom is levenslang niet levenslang?

Over levenslange gevangenissen en vervroegde vrijlating Levenslange opsluiting is de zwaarste straf in België en voorbehouden aan de ergste criminelen en voor de ergste misdrijven. Maar wil dat zeggen dat zij werkelijk hun leven lang achter gesloten deuren zullen zitten? Niet altijd. Hoe dat komt, hoor je van professor Kristel Beyens, criminoloog aan de VUB. […]