Dans835 Videos


My Eurydice – Lev Avitan | Spoken word | Dutch National Opera

Lev Avitan is a philosopher, spoken word artist and theatre maker and prefers to combine all three of these disciplines at the same time. During the Opera Forward Festival he shared his personal interpretation of the story of Orhpeus and Eurydice. He related the myth to his experiences with his mother’s illness. Like Orpheus, he […]

Name A Seat

For more information about our Name A Seat campaign, visit: https://www.royalacademyofdance.org/support-us/name-a-seat/ For more information about the work of the RAD, visit: https://www.royalacademyofdance.org/ If you would like to make a donation to the RAD, visit: Donate to the RAD The RAD is an independent educational charity and does not receive regular government funding. Every penny we […]

New choreographic talent in New Moves | Dutch National Ballet

New Moves is an annual event in which the dancers of Dutch National Ballet can develop and present their own choreographic talents. And this years edition brings out the talent in many of our dancers, as they not only create the choreographies, but are also involved in the production process behind the performance. The following […]

New Moves ‘Beach Odyssey’ by Leo Hepler – Dutch National Ballet

In case you want to support our house and the artists through these uncertain times you can make a donation via this link: http://bit.ly/donation-nob During this year’s edition of New Moves Online, corps the ballet dancer Leo Hepler, together with Emma Mardegan, Bela Erlandson and Mila Nicolussi Caviglia present their choreography Beach Odyssey. By working with the principles of individual expression and […]

New Moves ‘Intra’ by Daniel Robert Silva – Dutch National Ballet

In case you want to support our house and the artists through these uncertain times you can make a donation via this link: http://bit.ly/donation-nob During this year’s edition of New Moves Online, grand sujet Daniel Robert Silva, presents, to wonderful music by Schumann, his newest choreography Intra, which he dances together with corps de ballet […]