Dans835 Videos


Behind the scenes Don Giovanni – Dutch National Opera

In case you want to support our house and the artists please consider a donation via this link: http://bit.ly/donation-nob No one crosses his path unscathed. Don Giovanni, the most famous seducer in the history of opera, races through life like a force of nature. Dutch National Opera revisits Claus Guth’s successful production. Check out our […]

Crowdfunding Studio Boekman | Dutch National Opera & Ballet

Help us transform Dutch National Opera & Ballet’s smallest theatre! https://operaballet.creativefunding.nl/project/studioboekman?locale=en For years we’ve dreamed of adding a small theatre to our home of opera and ballet on the Waterlooplein. And this season, you can help make this dream come true. Our current smaller theatre, Boekmanzaal, will be transformed into a brand new space: Studio […]