Dans835 Videos


Trailer Hans van Manen Variations – Dutch National Ballet

SUBSCRIBE to our channel for new video’s every week: http://bit.ly/YoutubeNOB On February 27 and 28, Dutch National Ballet presents an online stream of six jewels from the rich and varied oeuvre of the Netherlands’ most famous choreographer: Hans van Manen. Programme: Adagio Hammerklavier Sarcasmen Trois gnossiennes Déjà vu Two Pieces for HET Variations for two […]

Lied von der blutenden Orange by Clay Hilley – Der Zwerg – Dutch National Opera

In this aria you can hear the song of Der Zwerg, sung by tenor Clay Hilley. He sings for the Spanish crown princess, with whom he has fallen madly in love. With his beautiful voice, he manages to move everyone. Chief conductor Lorenzo Viotti conducts the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra and Nanouk Leopold directs. https://nationale.operaballet.nl/der-zwerg-en SUBSCRIBE […]

The Shell Trial and it’s participation project with a children’s chorus | Dutch National Opera

The children’s chorus in The Shell Trial is part of a participatory project where a chorus was formed of children from Amsterdam Zuidoost, Noord, Almere, Nieuw-West and Purmerend. Together with Watermusic Kinderkoor (Muziekschool Waterland) en Noord-Hollands selectiekoor. All these children are part of a participation project led by Het Geluid. SUBSCRIBE to our channel for […]